Vetulicolians are members of an extinct phylum of animals that is difficult to classify: they have characteristics suggesting affinities with groups as distantly related as arthropods and deuterostomes (e.g., echinoderms and chordates).
Skeemella clavula, a species best known from a KUMIP specimen from the Middle Cambiran of Utah, has played an important role in discussions of the relationships of vetulicolians to one another, as well as to other animal groups and was published in a recent paper by Briggs et al. (2005):
Briggs, D. E. G., Lieberman, B. S., Halgedahl, S. L. & Jarrard, R. D. 2005. A new metazoan from the Middle Cambrian of Utah and the nature of the Vetulicolia. Palaeontology, 48(4): 681-686.
Besides Skeemella clavula, the phylum Vetulicolia is also represented in the Middle Cambrian of Utah by multiple specimens of Banffia, which are the subject of ongoing research at the University of Kansas.
Gallery of Vetulicolians
Note: Marks on all scale bars are centimeters (cm).
Skeemella clavula Briggs, Lieberman, Halgedahl & Jarrard, 2005

Banffia sp. Walcott, 1911c